Sarah finished off her school term in great health, so for a change this year she was able to participate in all the end of term fun activities.
Seizure activity has very slightly crept back into some of her nights, early mornings.
Her medication was slightly adjusted at the start of the holidays. This has helped but as the seizures are not having to much impact, we do not want the medicine to go up to much as this is when side effects could cause her problems.
Her medication was slightly adjusted at the start of the holidays. This has helped but as the seizures are not having to much impact, we do not want the medicine to go up to much as this is when side effects could cause her problems.
Sarah is aware she is having seizures and bad feelings etc are interrupting her sleep. She will say her head gets sore. It is a new stage where once she knew nothing different and battled on in the midst of constant seizures, she now realises the difference being well and unwell.
Something else new for Sarah, is that she is out playing on her much loved tricycle, joining in with other children around us this summer.
This is so great after so many holidays spent in hospital or unstable at home!
This is so great after so many holidays spent in hospital or unstable at home!
Sarah has been able to go away to her friends for the day without mum or dad in toe, what a boost for her.
She went to our Church summer Bible club and again joining in on the activities there without her mum!
All this improvement has brought transformation to our home and our lives but wonderfully to Sarah.
Hope all of you are having a good summer thanks for your continuing prayers. x