Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The return of NCS - Late May 2012

Sarah over the last weekend has had a build up of stronger and longer lasting tonic clonics in her sleep.
Today she woke up in Non-convulsive status(NCS). This is where she is extremely wobbly unable to co ordinate her movements, unable to speak without slurring her words and so its difficult to understand her. She is unable to hold her head up much and is in what looks like a drunk stupor. It is caused by non stop seizure activity going on all over the brain.
We took her to hospital where we would have hoped her bloods would reveal her medicine levels would be low in her bloods and an IV infusion would boost her. But unfortunately not, her levels were good suggesting that these seizures have appeared again after a year and without reason we had to look at using rescue medicines. We are very anxious about this as most of the rescue medicines are addictive and cause seizure activity on withdrawing them! Also Sarah in the past has regularly experienced horrible side effects mainly poor behaviour and poor concentration and deterioration in cognitive learning.
We have experienced such freedom from all this for over a year it seems so hard to be going back wards again.

I have got a dental appointment tomorrow for her as she has been complaining about a sore tooth we are aware her epilepsy can be triggered by pain?
Also Sarah has been more active as she has been so well.

It is also a reminder her condition is a difficult one and we would value your prayers at this time an ongoing that she would not remain in NCS and that the rescue medicine would be short term and without side effects.

will keep you posted
Thank you for your care and prayers.