Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Saturday 26th February - A Big Shock

Sarah although a bit slower showed recovery out of her non stop seizures and we were so encouraged. we took her with two of her sisters out to the little cafe at the front of the hospital for a treat.
As she happily chatted away sharing sweets with her sisters she crashed backwards onto the floor hitting her head with such force the noise brought the cafe to a silence! This was a drop seizure from standing position no warning  at all and as if she was just shot she fell full force backwards onto her head.

We ran to the ward with her but there she started to vomit and not respond so she was taken to theatre for a CT Scan.

We were told It would be a quick procedure a short Anaesthetic just to see there was no fracture etc.

Sarah had a very small bleed which led them to sedate her for longer and consult with the neuro surgeon, preparing us that we may be sent to Edinburgh where there they are set up for more intensive care.

It was avery long four hours we waited as she was kept in recovery in theatre. 
It was such a relief to learn her injury did not merit a transfer away.
People had been praying.

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